What is the Texas Night Sky Festival®?

It’s an “Amazing event!” That was the comment heard most from the attendees during each Festival. Every age group had fun. Delight, intense interest, joy, amazement, concentration, laughter, dancing, and a growing appreciation for the night were exhibited by attendees. There were:
How exciting to see so many young and not-so-young strengthening their appreciation for the night sky and for the animals and plants that depend on an environment illuminated only with the stars and the moon. The many volunteers who have worked on the Festival through the years have treated thousands of people to an engaging educational outreach event. None of us will ever know the full impact this event will make as more and more people take time to enjoy the sights and sounds of the out-of-doors at night or turn off lights that illuminate nature or pause before they automatically replace their old light with a bigger brighter unshielded fixture and instead choose a shielded light.

Texas Night Sky Festival ® Photo and Poetry Contest Spotlight

On the Fly by Teri Lynne Rutherford

Texas Night Sky Festival ® Student Art Contest Spotlight

By Collette Snyder

By Ashlyn Royal 

By Nora Graw